June 14, 2014

Father's Day

Get ready to fight your gag reflexes folks! Being Father's Day I feel the need to gush about about my Claude ( his actual name is Todd.., long story) moving on. 

     If you have the pleasure of knowing him. You already know how simply amazing he is. Describe my husband in three words? Merciless, alpha male , jack hammer. (The office reference anyone?) but truthfully he is just the best. I've really never came across anyone who doesn't like him. He's a stud through and through  I seriously have no idea why he puts up with me. 
     He is the type of guy who sells his prized possession watch without telling me to help pay down some of my mountains of medical debt. Poor guy had no idea he was marrying such a money pit! Thank goodness he loves me anyway! 
    He is the guy who holds me up and catches my vomit while I'm uncinsious and hemorrhaging nearly to death. We've been through a lot since the birth of our second draughter but I wouldn't change any of it. Now we know we can handle anything life throws at us. (We just need to come up with super hero names) Now that we've established the type of husband he is I'll shed a little light on the type of father he is. He grew up in a family of brothers he has very little experience with girls. Now that we have only girls nothing turns him into mush quite like our girls running to him and climbing all over him after a long day at the office. He voluntarily changes diapers and gives baths, gets up with them in the night. Lately he has even become a pro at combing out all of Jossie's rapunzel hair after the bath. He never hesitates to paint finger nails when the opportunity presents it's self. He's even let Joss practice on him on more than one occasion. All in all this man is amazing I have no idea what I did right to bag myself such a humble, selfless, strong, funny and not to mention pretty damn sexy man. 
     When I made a list of qualities I wanted in a future husband as a little girl  he exceeded any expectation I could ever imagine. He holds his own in our estrogen filled casa and we love him to pieces for it! Love you Claude. Happy Father's Day! 


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